Dear Parents and Scouts:
Welcome! We are glad you are considering joining our troop. Scouting is the largest and one of the oldest organizations around. It is also one that is immediately known and respected by many people throughout the world. Troop 1988 and its leaders believe strongly in the character building that comes from following the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We also believe strongly in parent participation in all Scouting activities. The youth that get the most out of Scouting are those whose parents are visible and active. Parents play a key role in the success of Scouting -they help motivate their sons, provide moral support, and help as they can with troop activities. Their excitement and involvement will rub off on their sons.
We here at Troop 1988 look forward to meeting you.
Scouts get out of Troop 1988 what they put into it. Leaders try to keep the “outing” in Scouting by offering plenty of activities of all kinds. We ask our Scouts to lead the troop as much as possible. That includes work planning and preparing for campouts and weekly meetings. As a Scout learns and grows with us, his responsibilities will increase. Developing self-confidence, self-reliance and leadership are key goals of the Scouting program.