
Behavior and Participation expectations.

Uniform expectations and Patch Placement

Items and Gear that every Scout should have.

Awards and Advancement

Use ScoutBook in conjunction with your Scout Handbook to track your progress through the rank awards.  Guidelines for your advancement Board of Review.

Learn about earning Merit Badges, Totin’ Chip, The Cyber Chip, and the Snow Owl award.


Are you considering running for a position of responsibility?  Learn about the roles and expectations for Troop leadership positions.


Personal Camping or Backpacking Gear Lists

Troop and Patrol gear list

Campout Planning, menu and duty roster templates.

How to properly care for Troop gear after a camping trip.


Information on the organization of the Troop, getting training in leadership, acquiring and wearing the uniform, etc.

Patrol Corners

Get the latest information about the Troop and Troop Events.

Spooky Skeleton patrol members – get your latest patrol information here.

Flaming Phoenix patrol members – get your latest patrol information here.

The Scoutmaster’s Minute

Words of wisdom from the Adult Leadership.