In a well run boy scout troop, one of the first things a visiting parent is likely to notice is that the adult leaders are generally not directly involved in running a meeting.  This approach is very different from the cub scout program.

The members of the Boy Scout troop elect their Senior Patrol Leader, and that youth member of the troop is responsible for organizing and running the meetings and activities. This is not to say that that boy is doing everything himself, he has selected a team of other youth leaders to help organize and run the events.

Scouts are grouped into Patrols, which are also led by an elected Patrol Leader.  It is at the patrol level that the Scout learn and practice many of their skills.  When camping, the patrols will acquire, setup, and take care of their camping gear, and they will plan, purchase, cook, and clean up their meals.

The primary purpose of the Adult leadership is to maintain the Safety of the Scouts and to be Adults required for signing campsite agreements, transportation, and other similar tasks.  The Adult leadership will also assist in “checking off” that Scouts have successfully learned skills on their road to advancement.

For the first couple of years, a Scout’s primary focus will be on learning basic outdoor and Scouting skills as they advance on their way to the First Class Rank.

Older Scouts become responsible for teaching the younger scouts and providing mentorship and leadership for them.  As older Scouts advance through their Star, Life, and Eagle ranks, their advancement will focus on serving in leadership roles; providing community service; and learning skills, vocations, and hobbies through merit badges.