Medical Forms (must be updated annually)
The Boy Scouts of America recommends that all youth and adult members have annual medical evaluations by a certified and licensed health-care provider.
The Annual Health and Medical Record form (Parts A&B) must be filled out and turned in to the Troop leadership to participate in any troop activities. This form only requires parents’ signatures.
The Annual Health and Medical Record form (Parts A, B, & C) are required for the Scout to attend Summer Camp. This form must be completed by a Physician.
The Annual Health and Medical Record form and other risk disclosures are required for the Scout to participate in a High Adventure Camp activity. These forms are specific to the type of activity. This form must be completed by a Physician.
Activity Consent
The Activity Consent form is required for each Scout, for each campout or adventure activity that they participate in.
Permission Slips for troop camping trips are handed out to the scouts at Troop meetings several weeks before each trip. The scout should give the form to his parent so that it can be completed and returned with any required payment at the next Troop meeting. Please make sure that you complete all parts of the form. It is important for the leaders planning the trip to know who is available to drive gear and/or scouts, and who is planning to stay so they can purchase enough food. The Scout needs to return the form even if he is not going on the trip. Parents should keep the bottom portion which has the trip details and emergency contact information.