There are a few things that Scouts need right away to begin the Scouting trail: a Boy Scout Uniform and a Scout Handbook. The uniform is the place to wear all the awards a new Scout will soon be earning; the handbook tracks a boy’s progress from his first meeting. For information about where to place the patches go to the Insignia Chart.
Class “A” – Official/Field Uniform
The Class “A” uniform consists of an official Boy Scout shirt with proper insignia, troop neckerchief and slide, and pants or shorts that are a solid color and worn with a belt (i.e., not sweatpants or gym shorts). A new boy starter kit consisting of a neckerchief, slide, red (or green) epaulets, troop numeral patch, patrol patch, and handbook is available from the Committee Chairperson. Uniform shirts can be purchased at the NCAC Scout Shop. Outgrown uniforms are sometimes available at troop meetings or through the district’s uniform exchange.
The Class “A” uniform should be worn at every Troop Meeting, Board of Review and Court of Honor as well as other official scout events.
Class “B” – Activity Uniform
The Troop also has an activity uniform (“Class B”), consisting of a red “Snow Owl” T-shirt. These shirts are available for purchase from the Troop. An order form is available on the Troop website.
The Class “B” uniform is worn to Patrol Meetings, on camping trips and other times that leaders specifically announce.
Merit Badge Sash
Once your scout has earned a few merit badges he will want to display them. Merit Badges are displayed on a Merit Badge Sash which is worn formally with a Class “A” uniform at Courts of Honor and other special events. The sash is available from the NCAC Scout Shop.